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Land conservation is the best tool we have for saving some of our maritime forest.


Furthermore, conserving forested land and wetlands is the single most effective tool for enhancing our sustainability and resiliency. 


Reduces Flooding

Protects Areas that Improve Quality of Life

Limits and Balances Development

Lowers FEMA Flood Insurance Rates

Encourages Tourism and Outdoor Activities

Protects Against Storm Surges

What is being done to advance land conservation?

North Florida Land Trust started the Amelia Forever campaign in 2019 in response to a community outcry to preserve the island before it is too late.

Land Conservation Ordinances

Fernandina Beach established a Land Conservation Ordinance and Fund in June of 2018.

In 2019, the City established a Memorandum of Understanding with North Florida Land Trust and together they have conserved almost 11 acres. 

 CLAM Program 

In collaboration with the North Florida Land Trust, Nassau County is establishing the Conservation Land Acquisition and Management (CLAM) Program for the entire county

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Protect our endangered maritime forest

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